Monday, September 30, 2013

Book Review: What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Qur’an

What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Qur’an by James R. White

Review by Mike Robinson

review what every christian qur'an
The first thing to know about ancient Islamic history is that it is untrustworthy. The earliest fragments of the Qur’an were placed on an odd collection of leaf-stock, stones, parchments, and other items of convenience. After subjectively discarding fragments and parchments from controverting Surahs, an arbitrary collection of fragments were partially standardized as the accepted Qur’an. Today, we have copies of the Qur’an that antedate the Reformation, the first Greek translation[1] of the Qur’an was completed by the Byzantines in the ninth century, a span of time that separates it from us by a thousand years.
At the start of What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Qur’an, James R. White, a researcher with textual credentials and Christian apologist, dials back the clock to the Sixth and Seventh centuries—the approximate time of Mohammad’s life and the formation of the Qur’an. Peering into the murk of Islamic history, he begins with the earliest sources of Mohammad[2] and the Qur’an where he starts to carry the story forward.
Mr. White faces weighty problems in devoting space to early Islamic material in conjunction with the Hadith. Since there is little reliable historical material vis-à-vis Mohammad, in addition to almost no written records of his existence during most of his lifetime, there is but a minutia of history that can be retold with confidence.[3] The author repeatedly turns to the almost wholly defective Hadith to find material on Mohammad, wars, battles, and doctrine. But in the midst of such a heap, his skilled eye and adroit prose-style bring these to light. He makes us see the difficulty Mohammed had coming up with religious doctrine. This was the case because the self-proclaimed prophet had little firsthand knowledge of the Bible—the very book Mohammad said was a revelation from Allah.[4] White identifies, in minute details, the context and the reason Islam evolved the way it did—ultimately into a works-righteousness and anti-Trinitarian religion. Much Islamic doctrine was built upon Mohammad’s complete misunderstanding of biblical history and doctrine.
Irenic, but a textual analyst to the core, Mr. White leans heavily on the evidence of the text, its transmission, and Hadithic application. What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Qur’an moves from one Surah to the next as it is interpreted by the Hadith and various Islamic traditions. Mr. White often supplies the counter-evidence for Islamic claims, but he has more of a diplomatic tone than a vigorous apologist. He tells us, for instance, selected Islamic stories about Jesus that are mere fancy (pp. 125-126). Nonetheless, Mr. White doesn’t provide a robust assault on the whimsical claims—claims that are devoid of any historical connections. These non-historical tales are largely retold without employing rigorous critical examination. Possibly, Mr. White was merely laying a foundation of Islamic claims in a manner that would be considered fair and scholarly.
The central thread of Mr. White's story is the emergence in Arabia of a mistaken leader who ignorantly (Mohammed was largely ill-informed concerning biblical history and doctrine) attempted to build a religion from a biblical underpinning. The Qur’an asserts that “Jesus was strengthened by the Holy Spirit, which Muslims today understand as Gabriel” (pp. 110-111). The confusion of the Holy Spirit with the angel Gabriel is a colossal and ignorant mistake—Mohammad frequently makes these types of daft blunders. The real fascination for me: Why would Mohammad makeup such a farcical religion? Probably for power and treasure. His self-proclaimed religion gave him both.

read the full review HERE

Friday, September 27, 2013

Aslan’s Zealot—The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth: A Critique

Aslan’s Zealot—Recycled and Outdated Ideas Made for Today

review by Mike Robinson 

Reza Aslan's Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth utilizes the old and negated theory that
disprove aslan reza zealot
Jesus Christ's life and work are best defined within the context of the Second Temple Jewish movement known as Zealots. Alslan is a engaging writer but offers nothing new. His treatise is destined for the dark cave of discarded anti-biblical belvederes.

Reza Aslan claims that Jesus was mainly a revolutionary.  He makes this brazen claim without proper rational and linguistic tools, since he is led by his faulty presuppositions (influenced by J.D. Crossan and S. G. F. Brandon). His view of Jesus is a misrepresentation that’s been around for a while, but has spread like a virus over the past few years. It was concocted for theoretical reasons: to boost the prejudices of the quasi-Islamic view of Christ, to discount the Gospel narratives, and to simplify multifaceted truths into fashionable religious tales. Many writers do this by isolating and overemphasizing powerful truths while ignoring the full web of historical actualities.

Another distortion concerns a view that downplays the supernatural content of Christ’s death as it plays up a semi-naturalistic view: Jesus was a good teacher, but history cannot speak with authority regarding the atonement and resurrection. An increasing number of modern writers assert that Jesus began and completed his ministry to show men how to live a moral life (O’ Reilly). Christ’s impressive moral ideas are taken as proof that He was a wise sage who offered the world a new philosophy.

The truth is more complicated.

In reality, Christ preached ground-breaking spiritual truths but was not a political revolutionary. Jesus delivered a major sermon that called men to turn the other cheek, do good to those who mistreat you, and pray for those who misuse you. Drastic and far-reaching yes, but not political.
So, Jesus proclaimed a whole grid of potent moral truths, but His main goal was securing the salvation of men through His atoning death (Matthew 26:2 & 28; John 3:15-19). Thus, the radical nature of His ministry involved the redemption of men and not merely offering the world wise ethical sayings.

Aslan’s claim that Christ was a member of the Zealot political party is not possible inasmuch as it was not formed for another 35 years after the resurrection of Christ. Aslan asserts that the chief reason Pilate had Jesus crucified was for political reasons. The priests did press the political aspect of Christ kingship to the governor, but Pilate did not completely affirm this charge. Pilate seemed to want to mollify the Jewish masses more than safe-guarding Caesar’s authority since Rome’s throne was not directly challenged. 

Aslan’s Numerous Errors

Aslan makes a number of significant errors: use of Greek definitions not found in any standard Greek lexicon; using the wrong Greek lexicon for the New Testament; incorrect definition of the targumim; unawareness of the evidence for high literacy in ancient Israel. … Aslan repeatedly presents highly unlikely interpretations of passages in the New Testament, makes little effort to defend those interpretations, then moves on as if he has made his case. Suffice to say this, as others have said before: there is something a little bizarre about using our only historical documents about Jesus (the New Testament) to come to conclusions quite in opposition to those documents[1].

Reza Aslan is not an authority on Christianity, the New Testament, or Second Temple Jewish life. Aslan was asked if Christ claimed that He was divine and he answered, “Absolutely no.  Such a thing did not exist in Judaism. … the notion of a God-man is completely anathema to everything Judaism stands for” (National Public Radio: July 14, 2013). Yet, as recorded in the trial, the Jewish leadership adjudged Jesus for blasphemy—they charged that He claimed to be God (the I AM:  John 5:17-18, 8:58, 10:30; Mark 14:62; Luke 22:70-71).  Jesus was crucified because He taught what was considered “completely anathema to everything Judaism stands for.” Additionally, Jesus forgave sins and healed on the Sabbath—actions reserved for God.

In opposition to Aslan’s views, Jesus Christ claimed to:

        I.            Be God.[2]
     II.            Be the Redeemer.
   III.            Die for the sins of humanity.
  IV.            Rise from the dead.
     V.            Sit at the right hand of God.
  VI.            Send the Holy Spirit.
Zealot is yet another modern reconstruction of Jesus. It is not fresh and new, as it claims to be, but reflects longstanding debate. That debate is between those skeptical about the Gospels' portraits of Jesus and those who see them as complementary pictures of Jesus as he was and is. … It's not at all clear, however, that Aslan understands the history of Jesus better than the Gospel writers did. … There are good reasons to suspect the Jesus of history was directly responsible for being confessed as Christ. It was zeal for Jesus' person that drove the earliest disciples to preach him as unique. This is something the disciples not only thought about but also experienced—even to the point of being willing to die for what they knew to be true. Zeal for Jesus arose from his own claims about what God was accomplishing through him[3].
Aslan, fixed to a semi-Islamic worldview, misses the essential element of redemption in Christ’s death on the cross. Aslan stresses the idea that Jesus died because He provoked violent political subversion. Jesus may have been considered a threat, but His mission was centered on salvation, not political achievements. Christ did not need to seek or encourage sedition for Pilate to have Him crucified. Jesus was executed because He claimed to be God (Jewish) and He claimed to be a spiritual king (Rome). Craig Evans observes: “There are numerous problems with Zealot, not least the fact that it heavily relies on an outdated and discredited thesis. But it also introduces a number of its own novel oddities and implausibilities. Aslan has canvassed much of the responsible scholarship in the field, but he does not always choose his options prudently. He often opts for extreme views and sometimes makes breathtaking assertions. I cannot help but wonder if Aslan's penchant for creative writing is part of the explanation. Indeed, Zealot often reads more like a novel than a work of historical analysis.”

Aslan also affirms an outmoded and unsound notion vis-à-vis Christological development. According to that timeworn idea, Christ was a good teacher and an influential prophet, but it took hundreds of years for the doctrine of His divinity to evolve. Aslan envisions the Greek-leaning Paul and his Gentile disciples as the ones who began the corruption that finally ends with the canonization of Jesus’s divinity at Nicaea in the fourth century. Paul, Aslan thinks, gave us the idea of Jesus as the “Christ” and later Nicaea gave us the idea of the “God-man.”
Nonetheless, Paul was a Jewish contemporary of Jesus; he spoke the same language, walked the same streets, and was immersed in the same traditions and culture as Christ. It only seems to make sense to trust one submerged in the customs and language of Jesus over an outsider 2000 years removed from the ethos and culture of Jesus. Paul's association to Christianity can be traced back to a few years after Christ’s crucifixion. In Paul’s writings (47-60 A.D.) we find him affirming that Christ is God. I will reject an outsider’s opinion and take the opinion of Jewish man who visited the same Temple, had the same dust on his feet, and drank from the same streams as Jesus. I will trust Paul and not Aslan. I will trust the Gospels and not O’Reilly. I trust God’s word and not the trendy critics seeking to make money with impudent and unfounded claims about Jesus of Nazareth. 
And it’s good to know that I can reject every foolhardy scheme that contradicts the biblical accounts of the life of Christ because in every examination of Christ’s life, naturalistic presuppositions must give way to the underpinning of intelligibly: God[4]. Naturalistic thought is, in principal, empty of any genuine concept of truth. One needs the Christian worldview, which alone provides the universal necessities required for historical investigation and analysis.

In this way, hyper-critical thought regarding Christ’s life are upended using arguments from ultimate criteria (God vs. unaided human reason). The skeptic accepts the reality of historical analysis, the necessary condition of which is God. This problem is disabling for the critical program of Aslan. This is the case not merely because of cynicism’s irresolute consistency, but because of its ontological restraint—it is devoid of a basis that is airy and grandiose enough to provide universal immutables utilized in historical analysis. Christ died for the sins of humanity and rose again in triumph. If one’s worldview lacks the resources to account for the universal operating features of reason, as Aslan’s does, it is unqualified to underwrite a project that analyses such. The book is fluid and fetching. Aslan is a winsome writer, but errors greatly when he discusses the life of Christ. Perhaps he can stick to subjects that are within his range of knowledge and ability.
Review by Mike Robinson author of “Killing Christ: Contesting Trendy Critics Regarding the Death and Resurrection of Jesus.” Available on Amazon.
1.        Gary Manning: Good Book Blog, 8-4-13.
2.        John 8:24, 8:58, 10:30; Mark 14:62; Matthew 26; Luke 22:67-71; etc.). In Luke 22 Jesus agrees that He is the Son of God as well as God: the “I AM.” This session is recorded in all four Gospels; the specifics of the interrogation are mentioned by Luke. When asked if He was the Christ, He simply replied, “If I tell you, you will by no means believe. And if I also ask you, you will by no means answer Me or let Me go. Hereafter the Son of Man will sit on the right hand of the power of God” (Luke 22:67-69). This answer was not sufficient to obtain a verdict of blasphemy, so they all cried out, "Are You then the Son of God?" To this He then gave an affirmative answer, "You rightly say that I AM.” And they said, “What further need have we of witnesses? For we ourselves have heard from his own mouth" (Luke 22:70-71). Additionally, the elders accuse Jesus of claiming divinity when He forgives sins as only God could do. Moreover, he was tried for claiming to be God. Jesus said: “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, says the Lord, who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty” (Revelation 1:7-8). 
3.        Darrell Bock: TGC; 8-12-13.
4.        God furnishes all the a priori essentials; the necessary epistemic equipment utilized in all analytical pursuits. God has the ontic attributes of omniscience, immutability, and omnipotence (He has universal reign) thus enabling Him to be the ground for the universal and immutable laws of logic that are utilized in all thought and analysis. Any position that rejects the true God, as the epistemic (knowledge) base, not only leaves an unnerving fissure, but hopelessly fails too. Consequently, whatever evidence one discovers must be discerned and processed with the rational implements that arise from Christian theism and the worldview that emanates from God. The immaterial, transcendent, and immutable God supplies the indispensable pre-environment for the use of immaterial, transcendent, universal, and immutable laws of logic. Atheistic thought, because it rests upon mutable and non-universal ground, cannot furnish the necessary preconditions for the immutable universal laws of logic; therefore it results in futility because of its own internal weakness.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Pilate Declares Christ Innocent Then Has Him Crucified

Pilate Crucifies an Innocent Man


"The sentence falls from the lips of Pilate, "Crucify Him." We are stunned. This man just pronounced Him innocent. Now he condemns ... the innocent to die" ( Maret Dinsmore). 


For an exhaustive treatment of the arrest, trials, and illegal execution of Jesus see my new book:

Killing Christ: Contesting Trendy Critics Regarding the Death and Resurrection of Jesus HERE

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

"Killing Jesus" by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard: Lacks Atonement Focus

no redemption killing jesus o'reilly
In Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard's Killing Jesus: A History the words “redemption” and “atonement” are not mentioned regarding Christ’s death on the cross (see Loc. # 191, 1546; Loc. # 1782, 1784, 1787, & 3247). This is the case since the authors hold to naturalistic methodology in their historical analysis. 

See my apologetics book that defends the truth of Christ's atoning death on the cross: Killing Christ: Contesting Trendy Critics Regarding the Death and Resurrection of Jesus HERE

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Killing Jesus Christ Required Irrevelant and False Testimony

Killing Christ and Vain Testimony

by Mike Robinson

killing christ trial
During the time of Christ, there were three chief categories of testimony according to the Mishnah: irrelevant or useless testimony, a standing testimony, and a satisfactory testimony. The irrelevant testimony was rejected. The standing testimony was accepted if and when it was confirmed. The satisfactory testimony was based on the agreed testimony of two or three witnesses. The testimony collected in the trials of Jesus was inadmissible since it was irrelevant testimony (Mark 14:56).

Jesus had two primary trials (Jewish ecclesiastical and Roman criminal) and numerous legal proceedings within each. The ecclesiastical trial yielded a conviction of blasphemy. The Roman trial never produced a guilty verdict but ended with the death sentence for Christ. Pilate declared that Jesus was innocent (John 18:29-30). Jesus was initially brought to Pilate without formal charges since Rome would not accept a Jewish blasphemy charge for indictment. The elders and Pilate came together together, trying to come up with a charge that would stick—one that was within the jurisdiction of Roman law. They tried various accusations; finally they charged Christ with treason against Caesar and Rome. They misrepresented Christ’s view on taxes and kingship: “We have found this man subverting the nation… He opposes taxes to Caesar … and claims to be a king” (Luke 23:2). Jesus was a target of religious persecution and Roman injustice, but was completely innocent. Pilate sentenced Christ to die by crucifixion (John 19:16), even though he declared Him guiltless (Luke 23:14-22).

Christ was executed without a Roman verdict of guilt; nonetheless He was crucified for religious reasons. The Jewish leaders insisted: “We have a law, and according to that law He must die, because He claimed to be the Son of God” (John 19:5-7). Jesus was killed because Temple authorities asserted that He was guilty of blasphemy.  Additional charges were raised because the Jewish leaders knew that Pilate would never approve an execution on a point of religious law. Other charges that fell short of indictment were: Jesus’ threat to destroy the Temple (a misunderstanding of His body metaphor); subverting Caesar; prohibiting the payment of taxes to Rome; inciting rebellion; and claiming to be a king. Perhaps Pilate allowed the unjust sentence to be carried out in fearful deference to Caesar, but, criminally, the chief reason for the crucifixion was not for tax prohibition (Bill O’Reilly) or revolutionary ideas (Reza Aslan). Christ was crucified for blasphemy (John 19:5-7).

Moreover, atonement for sins was the supreme reason for the execution of Jesus Christ (Isaiah 53; John 3:15-19; Romans 3:20-26, 4:5; Titus 3:4-7). Jesus died to atone for the sins of men and to set them free.

He who was delivered up because of our transgressions, and was raised because of our justification (Romans 4:25).

Jesus is the vicarious substitution since He died for our sins on our behalf.  Christ was offered in place of us. Jesus accomplished that which we could simply not.  He vicariously stood in our place and bore our sins on the cross as He made propitiation for our sins.

In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins (1 John 4:10).

Whom God displayed publicly as a propitiation in His blood through faith. This was to demonstrate His righteousness, because in the forbearance of God He passed over the sins previously committed (Romans 3:25).


To see fresh insights into the arrest, trial, and killing of Jesus Christ see my new book Killing Christ HERE. It looks at the death of Christ using ancient Jewish and Roman sources. In it, the reader discovers how the story of the killing of Jesus is at once transcendent, historical, and religious, yet true truth.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Keith Green There Is A Redeemer: Lyrics

Keith Green There Is A Redeemer

by Melody Green

there is a redeemer green song
There is a redeemer,
Jesus, god's own son,
Precious lamb of god, messiah,
Holy one,

Jesus my redeemer,
Name above all names,
Precious lamb of god, messiah,
Oh, for sinners slain.

Thank you oh my father,
For giving us your son,
And leaving your spirit,
'til the work on earth is done.

When I stand in glory,
I will see his face,
And there I'll serve my king forever,
In that holy place.

Thank you oh my father,
For giving us your son,
And leaving your spirit,
'til the work on earth is done.

There is a redeemer,
Jesus, god's own son,
Precious lamb of god, messiah,
Holy one,

Thank you oh my father,
For giving us your son,
And leaving your spirit,
'til the work on earth is done.

see the my new book about the Redeemer inspired by Keith Green that defends the truth of Jesus HERE