Friday, March 11, 2016

A Proof for God in a Unique Form

I. Atheism claims:
[p] God does not exist.
Under atheism [p] is immutably true.

Atheism fails to account for immutable truths, thus atheism undercuts [p] and defeats itself.

II. Atheism reposes upon a mutable ontology, thus it cannot underwrite immutable truths—including the alleged immutable truth God doesn’t exist.

III. How can an atheist know something is immutable (he lacks revelation from an all-knowing source)? As atheists have finite knowledge and lack knowledge of the future they cannot, in principle, maintain that it is immutably true that God does not exist.

Thus, under atheism God can exist in the future; and because God is necessary, omnipresent, and immutable—successively God exists in the future, God must exist always.

This is the case modally. God’s ontology necessitates that if [since] He exists anywhere (the future) He exists everywhere as the omnipresent Lord.

IV. If [p] is not immutably true then it is possible that in the future God does exist [q].
Since [q] is possible in discussing the omnipresent God, God must exist.

One can envisage God existing in at least one possible world. The biblical God is an unchanging being that exists of necessity. Consequently, one can think of a being that exists of necessity existing in at least one possible world. Since there is a being who exemplifies the property of existing in all possible worlds (He’s omnipresent), it follows that He exists in all possible worlds. As one can think God could possibly exist then God necessarily exists; which means He exists in all possible worlds including our actual world. God is inescapable.

A possible world is a complete account of a maximal state of affairs. The notion of possible worlds also exhibits a distinction between material necessity and logical necessity. It may be a material necessity that light has specific properties of wave and particle. But that does not mean light must have those exact properties transversely in all possible worlds. The properties of light in our universe are of material necessity, but not logical necessity.

For light to have the same properties in all possible worlds would mean it is necessary, hence light would require no explanation outside itself. For light to require no explanation outside itself, it would have to exist across all possible worlds as it is in our actual world. In other words, there is no possible way things could have been that doesn't include the present properties of light in the actual world. It’s worth noting that the laws of nature, including the properties of light, are not the determinants of necessity as are the laws of logic. This truth of logical necessity is entrenched in the universality of the laws of logic which the laws of nature are devoid.

Atheism is impossible. When anyone attempts to escape the truth that God exists, he falls in a trap he cannot escape. This point is well made in the illustration of a man made of smoke, who is trying to ascend out of the gaseous void by means of stairs made of steam. He cannot get out of the void, for he has nothing to stand on. Likewise, without God, one cannot make sense of anything. The atheist has nothing to stand on (an ontological Archimedean locus of reference) and he lacks a rational apparatus to scale; an epistemic ladder that would allow him to view reality with clarity.

check out countless more potent proofs for God in my new book Reality and the Folly of Atheism HERE

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